At Home Body Weight Quarantine Workout - Army PRT Circuit HIIT Training

I’ve overall slacked on posting both here and on the instagram, pretty much since the inception of Mountain Man Athlete back in 2014; justifying my busy life with my day job as an Army National Guard recruiter, but no more. Last week I put together this at home workout utilizing Army PRT drill combined into a circuit series and if done as a circuit, it will smoke you by the third set. The video is below, give it a whirl.

  • Rear Lunge

  • High Jumper

  • V-Up

  • Mountain Climber

  • Leg-Tuck and Twist

  • Single Leg Pushup

  • Supine Bicycle

  • Half Jack

  • Swimmer

  • 8 Count Pushup (AKA burpee)

All exercises done for 40 seconds, rest for 20 seconds, then move to next for 40 seconds continuing through the whole circuit. Once complete rest for 20 seconds, grab some water and repeat at least 3 times. No weights needed, perfect for a full body burn in the Corona Crisis. Do circuit more times, spend about a half hour and get a good workout in. I like to hit this a few times a week for my ending cardio phase of my lift because I hate running, but this gets me some good cardio in.

Patrick Henrie