

Want to know what Mountain Man Athlete is all about? Hunting & Fishing, Fitness on the mountain and in the gym, as well as “No Bullshit” product reviews on items and gear the average hunter uses. The protein that fuels our fitness gains comes straight off the mountain, desert or waterways. We live by the mantra, “Hunt to Eat.” We are not sponsored by any one company, nor are we trying to show off the fanciest of gear or the biggest bucks. For us, it’s all about what works, reaching goals and making memories. Maybe we might even be able to help teach you a thing or two along the way!

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Hunting and Fishing is more than just a hobby, it’s life. We live by the mantra, “Hunt to eat.” Hunting and fishing is a way we provide for our families, using nature’s natural resources to help meet our protein requirements for a healthy diet. Nothing goes to waste and we make great memories along the way. We’re not out to get the biggest buck for some Instagram likes, we are out providing food for ourselves and our families. Click the button below to check out some of our hunting and fishing adventures, tips, tricks and thoughts.



Fitness is not something we think about when we look in a mirror, but a lifestyle. “Gainz” at the gym, mountain cardio while hunting, proper diet and nutrition; they all fall under the “FITNESS” category. Back-country hunting or fishing is no easy feat, so it’s imperative that fitness is a top priority in our day Not only do we want to live longer, but also want to enjoy the things we do. Click the button below to check out some of our tips, tricks, recipes and thoughts on fitness.



We are not sponsored by any companies, just normal folks using normal gear, and purchasing everything we use ourselves. Spending so much time outdoors and in the gym, we’ve tried tons of different gear and products over the years. Some we liked, others we didn’t, so let us offer an unbiased, No BS Product Review. In the world of Instagram, having the fanciest, most marketed stuff seems like the only way to succeed at fitness or while chasing down a big bull elk, but we do it the “practical” way. Click the button below to see our unbiased, honest thoughts on products and gear.